Monday 23 January 2012

Socio-cultural profile of the major Tribes in Purnia District

Oraon Tribes
Oraon is the most populous tribe among the major tribes in Purnia District, followed by santhal, munda, lohra, kharwar etc. A large number of Oraons today are Christians; being oppressed by the Hindus they were lured into Christianity . They speaks kurukh language and oraon tribes also known as Kurukh and Dhanger in Purnia District. The Oraon people have a rich range of folk songs, dances and tales, as well as traditional musical instruments. Both men and women participate in dance, which are performed at social events and festivals. Mandar, Nagara and kartal are the main musical instruments. The Oraon who have adopted Christianity write their title along with their name. Still majority oraon do not writes their title and using as "ORAON". However, those who follow Tana Bhagat principle or Sarna Dharma write the Bhagat in place of their gotra. Many prefer to write Oraon as a second name in place of a gotra. Majority of oraon who have converted in "CHRISTIANITY" write their title as(Kerketta, Xalxo, Xaxa, Xess, Tirkey, Toppo, Tigga, Kujur,Minz, Ekka Barla, Barwa, Indwar or Ind, Lakra, Beck, Dhanwar, Baghwar, Kachhap, kindo, Kispota, kanda, Kokro, Gaddi, Khoya, Chermanko,Dadel, Niya, Panna, Bakula, Basa, Bando, Bhagat, Binko, Beck, Munjni, Runda, Linda, Son, Rawna, etc.) with their name. However, those who follow Tana Bhagat principle or Sarna Dharma write Bhagat in place of gotra. Many Oraon who have converted to Chritianity have opted new names in place of gotra like some Toppo clan writes their second name (gotra) as Marjee. Oraon prefer to marry a oraon only. However, Christian Oraon often marry other caste and community (Munda, Kharia, Santal)due to influence of Christianity. However, Sarna Oraon prefer marriage with a oraon only with full traditional fashion.
The Oraon Adivasi followed the 'Sarna' Dharam (Sarna religion) but due to the influence of Hinduism and Christianity some of the groups started following Sarna in Hindu style,  like they celebrate Chatt puja and Durga Puja etc which is in Hindu culture in Purnea(Bihar).
A large number of Oraons were forced to abandon their original beliefs of Sarna Dharma during the British rule mainly due to the British induced famines and exploitations coupled with Christian missionaries. In fact, the 19th century troubles were mainly due to the hoarding malpractices of the Britishers who used to export the food to other countries. These led to indirect deaths of millions of Biharis and Bengalis. The Christian missions found the Oraon community depressed and without food and one of the conditions of giving them food used to be becoming Christians. That's why most Christian Oraons are limited to cities and the vast majority of population in villages still follows traditional religions like Hindu and Sarna. In the ancient days, Oraons used to make their living by chopping timber and selling forest products. Majority of the population of Oraons can be found in Northeastern states engaged in the occupation of tea cultivation.  Now Orans have taken to various professions.
Lohra tribes
The Lohra is one of the Adivasi Groups of the Jharkhand and Bihar. They are found in the districts of Ranchi, Singhbhum, Palamu, Hazaribag and Santhal Pargana, of the Jharkhand State and Purnia, Katihar in Bihar state. The Lohra are associated with the preparation of iron tools. So they are known as artisan tribes. They supply iron-implements to agricultural tribes and castes of the villages where they because they have been associated with the occupation of iron-craft-making. Lohra tribal community is effected from Hinduism generally they follow Hindu culture an Tradition. they celebrate Chatt puja and Durga Puja etc which is in Hindu culture in Purnea(Bihar). But some of the people from this community do DANGRI PUJA.  According to oral history that is the main traditional Puja of lohra tribe and without this Puja every process is incomplete. Only that group celebrates this who is economically powerful. Because in this celebration expenditure is like a marriage. And who is not economically strong they just follow Hindu puja.
They associated with the preparation of iron tools and in ancient period they were by means of this profession but in present situation only in Banmankhi block in purnea some people from this community doing this as a occupation. But in off season of agriculture they known as a migrated labour. Landlessness is the biggest problem of this community that’s why doing not able to agriculture. And women ,girls ,children are working as a ma servent. and Literacy rate among these tribe is almost 1 % total literacy of tribal community in Bihar. Finally we can say among the all  tribal community in Purnia Dist. Lohra has lowest they are very backward in society.
Santhal tribes
Santhals are the third largest tribe in India. They are mostly found in the states of West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand and Assam. Santhals belong to the Pre Aryan period. They were the great fighters during the British regime in India. They wagged war against the permanent settlement of Lord Cornwallis in 1855. During the late 1850 Santhals hero Sidhu had accumulated around 10 thousand Santhals to run parallel government against the British government. Baba Tilka Majhi was the first Santhal leather who raise weapons against the Britishers in 1789.
Santhals speak Santhali, which belongs to the Austro- Asiatic language family. Santhals have their script called Olchiki, which was developed by Dr Raghunath Murmu in 1925. Accoring to the census their population is around 49,000.  And  in purnea district santhal is the second highest tribal population.They are generally Bilingual. Apart from Santhali they also speak Bengali,  and Hindi. generally Santhals have long head and flat nose but in purnia district  from the effect of sanskritisation  they use modern clothes. Their complexion varies from dark brown to black in colour. Santhals usually have curly hair .Basically The livelihood of the Santhals revolve around the forests they live in. They fulfill their basic needs from the trees and plants of the forests. Apart from this they are also engaged in the haunting, fishing and cultivation for their livelihood. Santhals posses the unique skills in making the musical equipments, mats and baskets out of the plants. This talent is safely passed on from one generation to the other. But in the case of purnia District status of Santhal Tribe is something different. Most of the population of this community living in rural area of district (dhamaha, banmankhi. Amour. Kaswa blocks.) and their main occupation is Agriculture and selling local wine(hadia, Mahua, Tadi)
They fully follow their tradition an culture .Santhals love dancing. It is in their blood. Dance is the important part of the Santhals fairs and festivals. ‘Sohrai’ is the man festival of them. And some population from this community accepted Christianity and there is reason behind that economic backwardness. And also literacy rate is not well in their community only who accepted Christianity ,they are being educated and rest of all living with illiteracy.
Santhals have no temples of their own. They even do not worship any idols. Santhals follow the Sarna religion. The God and Goddess of Santhal are Marangburu, Jaheraera, and Manjhi. Santhals pay respect to the ghosts and spirits like Kal Sing, Lakchera, Beudarang etc. They have village priests known as the Naiki and shaman Ujha. Animal sacrifices to the Gods is the common practice common practice among the Santhals to appease the Gods and Goddess.
But some of people from santhal community worship Hindu god and Devi and also follow hindu culture. This things found only in urban area in Purnia district

Issue  Among Tribal community in Purnia District
1. The tribals of Bihar identify themselves different from the tribes of Jharkhand. This is
a new phenomenon which gives them a Bihari identity.
2. The plan of the Bihar Government for the development of tribes of Bihar needs to be
properly planned and budgeted for their real development and be linked with the
national plan for the tribal development.
3. Their representation in polity and administration ought to be raised in order to avoid
their nursing of 'alien feeling'.
4. The tribes of Bihar need to be scientifically documented and an ethnographic study of
each tribes be recorded.
5. Violence among tribals are largely because of political, social and economic factors.
This needs to be scientifically researched.
6. The tribes of Bihar need to be integrated in such a design that they may feel assimilated
and a member of the national mainstream.
7. Infusion and diffusion of folk culture and folk tradition be given priority while
planning for their social and economic development.

 After know the condition we find main reason of poor condition of education and health is lack of awareness and economic weakness, economic conditions of most tribal families were miserable. Lack of time, lack of books and resources along with lack of parental interest in schooling their children was the greatest hurdle. There is no doubt for the development government is doing lots of work but it doesn’t reach to the tribal community.  Why it’s a enormous question & where is gap why some tribes are losing his identity as a tribe they 


  1. Thanks for the information. Your blog helps me alot.

  2. Raviraj can you please tell which tribe in bihar needs more upliftment to reach it to ther peoples please share your views.

    1. There are 33 tribes in Bihar accordingly census 2011 but still most of the tribes did not get proper identity. It is because of less population and representative...Lohra ,chik badaaik...many tribe like them still facing marginalisation of social norms.
